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List of all Acorn Electron ROMs
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Listing titles from 1 to 50
Game Name:Average Rating
Sphinx Adventure (198x)(Acornsoft) [UEF]4.58
Warehouse (1987)(Pillar Graphics) [UEF]5
Elite (1984)(Acornsoft) [UEF]4.78
Citadel (1985)(Superior Software)[a] [SSD]4.5
Arcadians (198x)(Acornsoft) [UEF]4.75
Chuckie Egg (1983)(A&F Software) [SSD]4.7
Football Manager (198x)(-) [UEF]4.62
Acorn Electron Intro Tape (198x)(-) [UEF]4.75
Chuckie Egg (1984)(A&F Software) [UEF]5
Sim City (1990)(Superior Software-Acornsoft) [UEF]4.8
Exile (198x)(Superior Software-Acornsoft) [UEF]4.78
Questprobe #2 - Spiderman (1984)(Adventure International) [UEF]4.83
Snapper (1983)(Acornsoft) [SSD]5
Strykers Run (1986)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
Acornsoft Snapper (1983)(Acornsoft) [UEF]4.83
Starship Command (198x)(Acornsoft)[a] [UEF]5
Star Wars (1983-87)(Lucasfilm Ltd.-Atari Games) [UEF]5
Citadel (1985)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
Classic Arcade Games (198x)(Electron User) [UEF]5
Repton (1985)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
Hopper (1983)(Acornsoft) [UEF]5
Hunchback (198x)(Century Electronics-Ocean Sofware) [UEF]5
Repton (1985)(Superior Software) [SSD]5
Beach-head (1984)(U.S. Gold) [UEF]5
10 of the Best vol.2 - Code Breaker (198x)(Sinclair User) [UEF]5
Impossible Mission (1983-86)(U.S. Gold-Epyx Inc) [UEF]5
Boxer (1984)(Acornsoft) [UEF]4.6
10 of the Best vol.2 - Star Fighter Pilot (198x)(Sinclair User) [UEF]5
3D Bomb Alley (1984)(Software Invasion) [UEF]5
Repton Around The World In 40 Screens (198x)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
Jack Attack (198x)(Bug-Byte) [UEF]5
Vindaloo (1986)(Tynesoft) [UEF]4.83
Repton 3 - Repton Thru Time (1986)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
10 of the Best vol.1 - Haunted House (198x)(Sinclair User-IJK Software) [UEF]5
Soccer Supremo - A Football League Managment Simulation (1986)(Qual-soft) [UEF]4.33
Stripper II (198x)(Aggressive Software) [UEF]5
10 of the Best vol.1 - Alphaswap (198x)(Sinclair User) [UEF]5
Superman - The Game (1987)(First Star) [UEF]5
Ghouls (198x)(M. Male)[b] [UEF]5
Dating Game, the (1983)(Ivan Berg Software) [UEF]5
Repton 2 (1985)(Superior Software) [UEF]5
Bandits At 3 O'Clock (198x)(Program Power) [UEF]4.6
Mystery Of The Java Star, The (198x)(Shards Software) [UEF]5
10 of the Best vol.1 - Rally Driver (198x)(Sinclair User) [UEF]4.33
Commando (198x)(Elite) [UEF]5
PCW Games Collection - Robotank (198x)(PCW) [UEF]5
Acornsoft Stokmark (198x)(Acornsoft) [UEF]5
Repton 2 (1985)(Superior Software) [SSD]5
Tetris (198x)(Mirrorsoft) [UEF]5
Twin Kingdom Valley (1983)(Bug-byte Ltd.) [UEF]5
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